Ms. Ritu Pathak


Dear Parents 

"Today's education should help tomorrow's adults become empowered citizens, both locally & globally, and be adaptive and proactive- socially, economically, and environmentally."

 It should give students the ability to accept change, and understand traditional values and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights, sustainable development, living, and global well-being thereby reflecting a truly global citizen. It makes them future-ready in today's information and technology-enabled world quality education equips students with 21st-century life skills: such- Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration,  Learning and Innovation, Digital and Media Literacy, Leadership and responsibility, Coping with stress, managing emotions,  empathy, and interpersonal skills.


 I am looking forward to continuing this process with you. 

With sincere thanks and hearty wishes,

Ms. Ritu Pathak


SMCS, Shahkot